Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tern Island, on the island.

So here are my pics from Tern Island. I got back last Thursday and am glad to be home. Tern was an adventure to say the least, but we got our job done and got to see a section of the world that not many people get to see. The place smelled like bird crap and the water was horrible, but I did not have to sit in traffic before work and the water around island was great.

John pointing at sleeping monk seals. They don't do much.

Ahhh, so many jokes, but I will keep this one politically correct.

A Fairy Tern. We named this one Speny. She didn't move for about three days straight while we were working around her.

Lobster. 5 feet from the shore. And we couldn't eat them. Sooo lame.

So a Booby hit the plane while it was landing. This is the band-aid that they made. I didn't really like the look of it.

I always wondered if Albatross tastes like chicken.

Co-worker Nate swimming at the beach.

Arieal view of French Frigate Scholes from the plane leaving. Tern island is the upper hunk of sand.

West view of Tern Island.

East view of Tern Island. Yes its that small.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Boat Trip to Tern Island

Here are some pictures of the boat ride out to Tern Island. The boat ride took about 48 hours. The first day was nice, sunny and smooth water, but the second day was rough waters. The boat is a 190 foot flat bottom, so even though it was a big boat, the flat bottom made it rock... a lot. We survived though, didn't lose my lunch. Saw dolphins the first day, but I was not quick enough to get pictures. Most of the guys from work didn't have any problems on the boat, but rather had more problems adjusting to being back on land.

Passing the bottom of Kauai.

Random seal that swam up to the boat.

Fish and Wildlife people being launched on to Nihoa for a 3 day stay to look at birds.

A better look at the island of Nihoa. There is really only shrubery and birds on the island.
Supposedly Hawaiians lived there long ago, but they didn't live there long if they did.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

First group outting of the season

This is a little late, but it has taken me a long time to start a blog. We had our first trip to the beach at the new place and there was a small early winter swell.

Driving to the Lani's.

I think that is Ryan.

Looking at the waves thinking, "Nope, waves to big today. I will work on the tan."

Heather and I with the same idea of staying out of overhead surf.

And some OK scenery.